Next Animation Studio


壹动画是亚洲知名动画工作室,总部设于台北,另外在香港、日本及美国设有海外分部。致力于开发创意项目,如:少儿动画《企鹅特工》、黑色幽默《丧B乐园》、未来世界《夏恋战机》、教育节目《Out of This Word》《nxBeats》,内容横跨多种平台;并以 TomoNews 动画新闻闻名世界,拥有数百万粉丝及破亿点阅率。旗下技术研究开发室(NextLab)不断发展创新技术,让壹动画在最短时间内,提供优质互动娱乐内容,开启崭新娱乐世界。

Next Animation Studio (NAS) is the fastest, full service animation studio in Asia, specializing in high-quality animation from concept to completion. The studio focuses on developing and producing fast animated news, high-quality original animation for delivery across multiple media channels, and innovative AR and VR content. NAS employs hundreds of creators and animators in Taipei, Taiwan, and has offices in Hong Kong, Japan, and the United States. With millions of followers and billions of views, NAS is known around the world for its daily news animation published under its TomoNews platform. NAS handles every step of the 3D animation content workflow: from storyboards to development of 3D models to CG animation. NextLab, the R&D operations at NAS, develops new technologies that push the boundaries of immersive entertainment and animation production.

